Global Harvest - Entrepreneurial Energy Bears Fresh Crops of New Ideas/Actions

>> July 27, 2010

Everywhere we have been, entrepreneurial energy bears fresh crops of solutions to emerging opportunities and constraints that our world community bears together. We have to continually relearn that we have enough products/projects here on the planet already to serve as remedies. for our hardest problems. There are ideas which need refinement, updates, distribution - but, we have only to scientifically rearrange conditions/circumstances to save our planet. We are finding our resolution. We are acting with fresh energy and actions.

As Brittany and I make our circumnavigation of the planet this year, we have encountered many friends and colleagues old and new who illustrate for us a great creative propensity. to use their skills and resources for the benefit of the world. In 20th and 21st Century fashion, these creative entrepreneurs exist independently, working at existential projects. They act as individual units (though some manage people and 'portfolios'). Each are radicalizing responsibility in their own way - but not as hermits or recluses. They are generally aware of coexistence and cooperative ideas - they self-market and microenterprise as individual actors - economically competitive yet aware of collective self-interests.

We are more aware than ever of what a powerful group of friends we have made. These are the change agents of the world: While their aims can solve many societal social, environmental, and economic problems (if and when they would be organized) the psychology of their core business principle is a new interest - to act collectively; and save the planet.

The people we have met are a new power base - their efforts are in producing bi-products to save the planet.

Take Benson, an industrial engineering production specialist in China - he helped us to understand the power of science and sources of energy. His proposal to prevent catastrophe from global warming - giant ice generators pointed at the Greenland Ice Cap.

Jessica and Martin. Jessica can manage consumers, labor, and the internet. Her other half Martin can create a capitalist world trading net tying consumers in China and the West to purchasing in ways that build actions of sustainability and fair trade economics.

Roddy is training our governments to accept LBGT human rights campaigns and tying these rights and freedoms to liberation of other marginalized and repressed groups in Asia and worldwide.

Rajib Roy is extending life through inventions in health and green urban sciences.

Perry is connecting volunteer labor to new and emerging markets of western economy to build new responsible forms of tourism and retirement.

All these friends came before our recent entrance and subsequent rush across Europe from Cyprus through Turkey, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean Riviera to Gibraltar. It is expected in our western economies that we share efficiencies, values, and critical analysis. Because of our mutual assumptions, we can work off of each other.

Since then we have met Tim in Bulgaria, trying to find time between starting and running small businesses to applying himself to really learning to live by the rules from the 4-hour Workweek. There is Clivia in Marseille producing functional purse art from tape (mostly duct tape). Or Mohamed, in Marrakesh, who is not only an importer of unique quality Morrocan products to USA; but, in either country he is surrounded and admired by other entrepreneurs, industrialists, biotech start-up chiefs, and local sales and tour vendors - trying to scratch off a little of his huge luck and charisma. So many different ideas for businesses that are connecting to each other. Our friend Natalie in France, for example, would help us to link programs we hope to create when we get back home, Ashrams of service, voluntourism, ecotouristic business enterprises.

Between us all we can close the loop. As we develop new economies of mutual collective self-interest, our business ideas and productivity grow together.

What do we all have in common? In a tiny taste of an immense world of dense hardworking and compassionate human societies, we have met Turkish land tycoons, evangelist collectivist socialists, microimperialists, postmodern economists. Taken as individuals, they were all devoted believers in doing the most good with what they had each been given. But, taken as a group, and, moreover as a random sampling of ethics, values, efforts, and attitudes, they are a remarkable and forceful lot with a message to share with the world... [**** Footnote #1]

Maybe you know an unrecognized entrepreneur whose day in the spotlight has not come. Write about them here. Tell them you admire them. Threaten to tell the world how brilliant their ideas are if they don't make them public. Social network them. Suggest to them that they should connect, distribute, self-promote, integrate and collaborate these good ideas and projects with others. There is a rising tide of good works. Our acts are becoming increasingly interconnected.

**** Footnote #1 we rushed, we did so at times with a Zen footing. Forgetting the stones and shale, we ran blindly on the edge of an impossible steep precipice. The Abyss, Death, would not accept us. Our (ill) communication blindly driving the sands of our fates in front of us. Blind, our shadows, ran.


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