Global Directions

>> July 9, 2010

Bonjour from Morocco! We've been adrift from the blog, caught in the whirlwind of our final few months of circling the globe. But today, as we wandered through the streets of Casablanca I realized something: this journey is only just beginning. Perhaps "honey service year" will ultimately describe this initial year of exploration, a time when the iridescent bubbles of thoughts and ideas and projects first began to take shape. But the time frame shall truly only describe this first step, for now that our journey has begun, I see no end in sight. Although our bodies may not always be in motion, it seems that our minds and energies and efforts always will be. How fantastic!

Traveling helps to deepen my faith in humanity, my trust in people, my belief that people are inherently good and helpful and filled with care for others. So much of the global media works to dissuade these sentiments - coverage of terrorist activities and radical religions and tyrannical oppressors and political activism keep the world on edge and pull people apart. We must direct our conversations and our movements toward positivity - why spend critical hours discussing the differences, the dislikes, the problems, rather than working towards solutions that can unify us as a people and make positive global changes?

There are so many points upon which we can come together. There are so many common themes among people. There are so many similarities and commonalities and positivity that can be explored, if we just take the time to share, to ask, to listen.

And aren’t there great global themes which impact us all? Aren’t we modern day proselytizers when we try to convert others to the doctrine of recycling and reuse and carpooling? Suddenly the work of N’s family so long ago in India and our motivations to share concepts that can positively impact our changing world don‘t seem as different as they once did.

The shiny blue and green globe that we call home continues to you feel it too?


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