World cities become more dense, crowded

>> December 30, 2010

India's cities are straining under the weight of mass migration. Across the world, as crowding and poor standards cause building collapse and other lapse of reason societies tremble. What is happening. Mass poor are moving to cities which have neither governmental nor physical infrastructure to accommodate them.

We are planning our return to India in 2013 for the 200th anniversary celebrations of the Maharathi Missions. Our Earth strains more today than it did 160 years ago when generations of my Grandparents spent lifetimes in India challenging assumptions about how our planet was going to involve the masses in its evolution and structural construct. Records of the history of early mission are kept in the Amistad Research Center in New Orleans.

Today marked the passing of Frank Bessac. I did not know much about Frank before I read about him today. But, in reading about his life, I loved his company...

I crashed the dessert course of a dinner on at my wife's godmother's house Christmas Eve. It was worth it for many reasons. One of which is I met our hostesses mother Bisi. Her father was a diplomat in China during the same time my Grandfather (who was raised by the American Missionaries in India). "My father did not think much of most of the missionary work in China," Bisi told us, "but he thought the Medical colleges were an admirable lot." The exchange of ideas, education, friendship, respect and service engenders trust.

What can we do to trust and build trust with emerging populations in cities and rural areas?


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