Which years do you remember to finish?
>> December 31, 2010
It was quite a year.
We did some traveling. Of course, we wrote about most places we were this year thanks to this blog. We also shared our blog via internet searches like blogsherpa.
We wrote about places we'd visited because we want to treat each one as memorable to us.
There are those places we'll remember.
Then, there are those we find it easiest to talk about. Most of these are popular conversation pieces because they made big impressions or are easy to discuss with people: Shibuya, London, Aix-en-Provence, El Prado, Italy, Monaco, China.
Tonight at the dinner table we talked about all kinds of bugs we saw and ate in Thailand. Later on, I recounted how I enjoyed a BBQ Sparrow in China (one of China's milder gastronomic pursuits). Pretty funny, as it turned out my father-in-law knew this dish from living in Italy.
We want to share more but cannot. Memories are fleeting. So, we move on, remembering everything we can. And, we reinforce our memories with our storytelling. People ask us what we liked most, where our favorite locale was, what was most frightening or unnerving.
I wish people asked us what means most to us when we travel around this world. That answer is easy - the kindness and welcoming spirit of strangers - the joy and friendship and camaraderie which we made momentarily or longer with people we met along our way.
I know exactly what you mean, felt the same thing in the States. So much friendliness from strangers. A friend of mine said that if you put yourself into the universe you'll get so much more back, I'd like to think I got some of that last year and hope for more this year.
Here's to a good 2011!!
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