White Sails of Winneba

>> May 14, 2010

written by Nathan

 After sunrise, a dozen small white sails cover the horizon. They sail past the horizon.

Morning fishing on this coast takes many forms.

Early risers go deep to the drop offs where the Atlantic spills up out of the deep. These walls are where the great schools of big fish migrate; and, the men use hand lines to pull in the fish when luck hooks a tuna or mackerel.

Last night, a lonely boat kept its light on much past midnight. The fishermen spend the night hooking squid.

Later this morning, men in giant sea-going canoes will set out. Their canoes are filled with long shallow nets. They catch shore fish. Their nets have vary small openings, but only are two meters deep.

A boy dives off of the front of the boat. He grabs the end of the line and swims toward shore. The boat appears to be leaving him. He surfs through the big waves, guiding the nets perpendicular to shore.

The boat is hading back now, they have emptied the boat of all its net. The tall man at the front of the boat is putting off line. Then another, bigger boy, dives off of the boat into the water and swims towards shore. Then another man dives in. They swim in. A great circle is forming behind them as they face the shore.


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