Bridge Building and Travel

>> May 2, 2010

written by Nathan
We have struggled to find our service options as we had originally intended them. We hoped to find ways in which we could use our skill sets to assist communities, and to share what we have discovered in our travels, in our interactions with different cultures, and in regards to disasters. We find that we may contribute to building bridges between cultures and between nations, and bridges of friendship with individuals, families, and businesses. When we make particularly strong and trusting contacts, we build bridges of intellectual and political rigor and dignity which we know support our new friends and their communities in sustainable ways.

However, what we have consistently written about through our blog is how we can effect change at home, within our communities, and between peoples we do not know, but who share some of the same education, privilege, status, wealth, and interconnectedness. We believe we institute ‘viral’ change through writing this blog. We know that our opinions and experiences remain searchable through the internet and continue to reach people and change opinions in actions in ways that we are not aware of.

One constant that comes from our western type of education and role models who have shaped our intellectual, spiritual, and professional lives is our gift for critical thinking. The scientific model of rational thought and critical inquiry allows us to question status quo relationships which exist in many different and similar forms across the planet. We have written about some of these; we hope to continue to deduce, research, and formulate new opinions on others which we still are discovering. Some of them may seem obvious to our readers - our blog continues to sprout new readership from across the globe, each of you comes for different purposes. We hope we are serving the purpose for which your ‘search’ found us; or, if not, that we are enlightening or just entertaining you!

We know you find us if you already know us or our connected to us. We also know you find us if you have similar interests in travel, greening the planet, sustainable development, photography, family, food, culture, adventure and the like. If you like all of this stuff, we will not let you down, everyday we are actively seeking more of it. You may also have found us because we share similar interests. Maybe you are like us because you travel but you gave up the guide book. Maybe you travel, but you feel compelled to find a way to do service, reduce your carbon footprint, or be an ambassador of your home community on the way. Maybe you also plan to travel to one of the countries that we have visited. Whatever it was that brought you to our blog, please do subscribe, bookmark, recommend. As old man Bob French, the DJ on WWOZ*, our home radio station and the ’best radio in the universe’ reiterates on his morning broadcast, ’if you like our show, tell your friends! if you don’t like it, don’t tell nobody!!’

Thanks - and stay tuned!

*For those readers who don’t already know of WWOZ, it truly is a fantastic radio station out of New Orleans. You can listed online by following this link.


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