Beautiful Skin

>> April 16, 2010

It’s wonderful to be in this Afro-centric land, birthplace of the human species. Africa is beautiful and proud and strong.

In India, at least eighty percent of all television commercials advertised methods to lighten your skin. How to look whiter. Models on billboards and in magazines were of European descent. Media was filled with tricks and tips and products for lighter skin.

The Indian women kept saying to me, “ah, you are so beautiful.” No, I’m just different. And I told them that in the United States women (and some men) spend excessive amounts of money to darken their skin: tanning beds, creams, and baking their bodies on tropical beaches both at home and abroad. “I wish that I had lovely dark skin like you,” I said. They laughed, how could that be possible?

And yet, in Africa, men and women are proud of their African hair and faces and bodies. They flaunt their gorgeousness and revel in their heritage. It’s delightful.

At times, the beauty found in the people of Ethiopia stops me dead in my tracks, gaping at extraordinarily beautiful women: exquisite and elaborate hair braiding and bright smiles and impeccably arched brows.

Ethiopia is good for interacting with people. And it’s a wonderful place for people who enjoy and appreciate the tourism-package: hotel with restaurant and bar, guide and translator, transportation, and meeting other foreigners. But for people like N and me, who like to be off the beaten track and carve our own path, Ethiopia has been challenging. Tourism is pervasive and foreign-influence has left a large impact.

However, aside from the tourism-related negative aspects of Ethiopia, the people are unforgettably warm and kind. The landscape is awe inspiring. And the African pride and culture is amazing.


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