How 'Bout dem SAINTS!!?

>> February 9, 2010

Yesterday we abstained from email, facebook, and the internet in general (except for a blog facelift that you might notice) until 8:30PM when a re-run of the SUPERBOWL was aired at the local sports bar. What a game; what a team; I am so happy for the city of New Orleans - I know how much the big win meant to the people and culture of our dear home (we know that you all are still partying....). GEAUX SAINTS!!!

The superbowl victory followed right on the heels of the recent mayoral election: congratulations Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu, we look forward to the positive changes that you will bring to New Orleans. As New Orleans Carnival season season Mardi Gras moves into full tilt, we wonder...

Could it get any better?

Believe it or not...YES! Tomorrow morning we leave for the beaches of Ko Chang, Ko Mak, and Koh Kood.

Leaving the laptop and packing light for a ten day trip, but our bag still seems overly full (cooking supplies, seasoning, tent, sunscreen, repellent, swimsuits, sleeping bags in lieu of sleeping pads, first aid kit, etc.). Lightweight packing remains a fantasy. This also means another medium length separation from our blog and sharing our stories with you (but we may get crafty a few minutes prior to our departure and attempt to "pre-date" blogs that may publish in our absence? stay tuned...).

Volunteer update: our volunteering concept has always been informal, and continues to evolve organically as our journey unfolds. We knew that by not signing up with a "service organization" and instead, carving our own path of exchange, service, and volunteer-ship, our opportunities would be unique, varied, and probably outside the bounds of the expected or known. So, instead of immersing ourselves in the structure of a (usually) foreign-sponsored organization or group, experiencing "service" within a bubble of comfort and familiar and homogeneity, our service has other forms.

We talk, we listen, we garden, we share, we discuss, we recycle, we plan, we learn, we share ideas of green, we experience, and we always strive to remain rooted in the culture we are visiting, while still sharing pieces of the culture we are from.

Last night, Nathan was up late, discussing business development, green and sustainable construction practices, East  and West relations, and the stewardship of new forms of tourism and development, such as eco-tourism and volunteerism. He and a friend reviewed architectural, engineering, and land use plans for a 500+ acres eco-resort under preliminary development for Koh Kood Island. The concept of service is one which applies daily  in our lives while traveling. Writing and maintaining blogs is one continuity of service which we rely on; so, being away for more than one week will mean returning to pre-blog forms of note keeping, journals, scribbles on napkins, memory.

With just eleven days left in Thailand, we thinking ahead to our next destination: India. Now would be a wonderful time for YOU to give us your ideas, suggestions, contacts, etc. Three days in Calcutta will be followed by nearly one months traveling from Delhi to Mumbai over land. You can check out our itinerary map for specific dates. Thanks for your ideas and tips and thoughts.

Back in a few with sunburned photos and sandy stories.



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