Hollygrove Fresh Farm and Market helps Downtown's Neighborhoods Eat Healthy

>> November 7, 2010

It was just the final thing that renewed Wednesday as my community day. Riding home from another great bicycle (picnic) adventure through the French Quarters we stopped to visit friends outside of St Anna's church on Esplanade Avenue about three blocks outside of the French Quarter. They were buying beans to bring to a dinner party.

Of course there is always more to it. We talked biofuel growth between the Gulf Coast and South America. We talked Colombia. They may one day take us up on 'hotel-sitting' for us on the beach for a while. We would be honored and delighted to have more great representation and ambassadorship of New Orleans and The United States of America abroad.

Our friends were picking up their Weekly Produce Box from Hollygrove Market Esplanade Avenue - three blocks from French Quarter for visitors who want to still eat healthy great foods while traveling on a budget or with dietary restrictions (which New Orleans eating out does make somewhat more difficult and/or expensive than should be necessary these days).

Thanks St Anna's for remaining a beacon of human resoration now more than 5 years Post-k. We love the idea of one day having a weekly box delivered full of the Hollygrove Market's produce. But, that might mean changing the visit to St Anna's and we would not want to miss all the great comraderie which we get in public outdoor neighborhood (bikeable) locations.


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