We found solutions for our world problems

>> August 30, 2010

We are not completely finished.

We are excited to return home. We have learned a lot.

The most important thing we may have learned is something which we have been struggling the whole trip to give back to the planet - We have found a solution for our world's problems.

The solution is this: All the major problems (or opportunities) which our planet and humanity is consumed with already have solutions. The solution is us (it began a long time ago).

Further, we know what these 'opportunity solutions' are. In fact, we agree on what they are. And, we agree overwhelmingly. We have been finding difficulty discussing our solutions together. What we do not yet understand how to do is to manifest the solutions and put them into practice.

How we are able to turn our agreements into actions is another description of human dilemma.

For sometime on this sojourn, we became convinced that those marketing and selling to the world must be put in charge of convincing and recruiting mass participation. This plan has many flaws. Most of the flaws are human. Human solutions, however, are necessary.

For most of this trip, we have had discussions which would end here. The problems are human caused, owned, and proliferated. Because our human condition is such, and we are not evolving from self-centered behaviors, human solutions are impossible. We grasp at straws....

Let me tell you again, we have found a solution for our world's problems. Yet, we have learned this also in our short sojourn - between just a few countries and over very little of the world's territory the solutions grow smaller, less complex, more agreeable.

We are thought farmers. We plant and nurture and spread the thoughts which we harvest across the planet. But, there was no need to travel to do this; once we left our closed fenced domain of assumptions we were able to accept them all around us.

Here are some principles we agree on as humans, universally and by vast democratic majority:

a.) Saving the world is more important than individual self interests.
b.) Community benefits from safety, culture, local and regional collaboration.
c.) Communication is convergence of agreement by education and facilitation.
d.) It is hard to get along but we must.
e.) People want to live by community quality standards of health and welfare.
f.) People want education and improvement increases for future generations.
g.) Humans, plants, and animals all benefit from ecological stewardship.

Please add those which you are aware of.

Once you apply your own community and individual versions of these to your own possibility of a miracle (or simply existence through participation) you are building actions to embrace out future opportunity and securing more pleasant, dynamic, equitable and artistic futures.

We have found a solution for our world's problems - but we want to know yours.

We are not completely finished. We have a few days left before we land at John F Kennedy. JFK, as the airport is commonly referred to, is where our round-the world journey began nine months back. But, we return as ambassadors to our own country - with solutions for our world's problems.


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