Un Año Nuevo
>> January 1, 2011
A trip around the world certainly does not make it feel smaller; in some ways, it now feels achingly expansive. The towns and regions that we were fortunate to explore during Honey Service Year are tiny, illuminated pinpricks in a vast sea of unknown and unexplored world. And yet, in my mind's eye, I can see silvery threads between these seemingly isolated points. Bridges and paths that glimmer with human connection, with bits of dialog and flecks of connection. These threads may not be especially efficient, or delineate rational travel routes, but they are my threads, my connections. Their purpose is solely to remind me of how connected we all really are.
Events of the past year have changed parts of my being, one being my levels of engagement, of interest, and of participation. I have witnessed more clearly ways in which peoples of the world are united and share commonalities. A breakdown of supposed stereotypes and assumed differences has made me softer, and rounder (the french cheese and groundnut stew certainly contributed to the latter). Sometimes I feel a sharp sense of global community, in spite of vast oceans, sharp barriers, and political walls. I share my humanity with billions that stretch from here to there, and back to here again.
Happy New Year from Cartagena, Colombia. The city is quiet, revelers are recovering, and presumably, reflecting on the year gone past.......
.......or, at least reflecting on the woes and excesses of last night.
Wishing you great peace, perspective, and love in 2011.